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Srirangam Sri Ramanujacharya's Unknown Names and the Interesting History Behind It.

Sri Ramanujacharya was born in Sriperumbuthur and when he entered into Shanyasa ashram, he moved to Srirangam throughout his history he got lots of names, in this we can see a few of his names and the fascinating story behind them.

01. Ilayazwar: Ilayazhwar (Ramanujan): Ramanujan's paternal uncle Periya Tirumala saw the characteristics of the child and named him ``Ilayazvar'', considering him to be the best man ever born in the world, just like Sri Rama's younger brother. 02. Yathiraja: Bhagavad Ramanuja renounced household life and took to asceticism. Kanchi Varadaraja called him "Varum Yathiraja!' (Yati- Saint, Raja- King, King of Saints) and enjoyed calling him. 03. Udaiyavar: Thiruvarangam came from Kanchi and Thiruvarangan performed the Thiruvadi prayer. At that time, Thiruvarangan said to his eyes, "O Lord of Warir M! Now Ubaya Vibhuti is yours too! Now, you! Stay here forever and nurture our cause and Sri Ranga Sri. We have given moksha to everyone related to your Thiruvadi and Thirumudi." He was called the possessor. 04. Emperumanar: Ramanuja visited the priest Thirkoshtyur Nambi 17 times. The 18th time, he received Sathya Nambi Sankalp from Sri Ramanuja. He preached a mantra secretly to Ramanuja that he should not reveal the meaning of the mantra "Namo Narayana" to anyone else. Ramanuja, who received the meaning of the mantra, gave it to everyone to get the pleasure that Yan had obtained. He thought it would not matter if he got to hell. Seeing this, the Tirkoshtiyur Nambis were astonished that Adiyen had never had such a good idea before. Counting Ramanuja's expansive heart, he kissed him and asked, "Are you the Lord?"

05. Shri Bhashyakar: One of the three manorathas of Sri Alavantar, Tirupera of Srimad Nathamunis, is a commentary on the Brahma Sutra blessed by Sri Vedavyasa in Visishtadvaita Siddhanta method. Bhagwat Ramanuja, who went on a pilgrimage to Vada Desha, obtained the Bodayana Vridhi Granth through many difficulties. On his return to Srirangam, Bhagwat Sri Ramanuja wrote a bhashyam (explanatory text) on the Brahma Sutras with the help of Koorathalvan, appointed Kidambiachan as his disciple, and submitted them to the Thiruvadis of Srisarasvati Devi in ​​the Srisarada Peetha of Kashmir for recognition. arranged. Devi Sri Saraswati also praised Bhagavad Ramanuja by holding her hair on her head and named her "Sri Bhasyakarkar" and honoured her by giving the idol of Hayagrivar. 06. Tirupavaijiyar Ramanuja, a devotee of Tirupavai, one day in the month of Margazhi, while crawling on the street singing Tirupavai, came in front of the house of his priest Sri Periya Nambi, and fell upon seeing his wife Athuja. A startled aunt told this to her father. Sri Periyanambis who admired the love of Ramanuja's Tirupavai said "Tirupavai Jeeyare" and was happy. 07. Namkoilannar When Bhagwat Ramanujar Nachiyar interpreted the Tirumozhi Pasurams, he explained the meaning of the Pasuram "Naru Narum Pozhil Maliruncholai Namiku". In it, Godai Sri Ranganathan was supposed to offer Tirumaliruncholi 100 daas of butter and 100 daas of akaraadisil to Sri Alaghar Perumal, but she did not submit. Ujar fulfilled it and then Sri went to Williputhur.On entering the temple, Andal from Archa form called out, "Annave Varum my Koil". Ramanuja offered a throne to Andal, who called him "Anna". Even today Sri Andal, Sri Ranga Mannar and Sri Garuda are sitting on that throne placed in Artha Mandapam. Although Andal's incarnation occurred before Bhagwat Ramanuja's incarnation, we worship Andal's life in Tirunam.

08. Lakshmanamuni Thirukkottiyur Nambis prayed to Thiruvaranga Perumal Araiyar to tell Bhagwat Ramanuja some important artha vishes. Ramanuja also treated the priest Thiruvarangapperumal Araiyar very kindly by giving him the Palamudu Chichi and doing many other things. After doing charity for six months, he learned the meaning of the Stotra Ratnam and Satusloki blessed by Sri Alavandar. Thiruvarangaperumal Arayar, like Lakshmana's elder brother Sri Ramapiran, was selfless and worked day and night, so our Ramanuja's actions are similar, so he was happy to call him 'Lakshmanamuni'. 09. Satagopan Ponnadi Ramanuja's immense commitment to us and the Tiruvaimozhi that he blessed. The man bowed down and asked to be called "Sadakopan Ponnadi".

10. Kunal Dikhal Kondal Tiruvarangathamudanar celebrates Ramanuja by writing Ramanuja Nuthanthathi as "Kunam Dikal Kondal" where the fragrant music of Tiruvaimozhi is celebrated everywhere. 11. Jagadacharya The Bhakti Margam taught by Ramanuja can be followed by all according to their ability and intelligence. Because of this, he has shown a path of devotion that can be used by people of all ages and thus is hailed as "Jagatasari" as a guide to the world. 12. Desikendra Tirumala was given to Ramanuja by Venkateshapperumal. He is called "Desikendra" because he guides the people of the world. ேயா நித்யம் அச்ᾜத பதா3ம்ᾗ3ஜ ᾜக்3மᾞக்ம வ்யாேமாஹதஸ் ததி3தராணி த்ᾞணாய ேமேந அஸ்மத்3 கு3ேரார் ப4கவேதாऽऽஸ்ய த3ையகᾭந்ேதா4: ராமாᾒஜஸ்ய சரெணள Sரணம் ப்ரபத்3ேய Srimathe Ramanujaya Namaha:



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